
The best-known brands are those that have used storytelling to engage their audience. Brands like Disney and Starbucks have managed to captivate their consumers by creating a memorable experience that you can't help but remember. This is achieved by connecting with your audience on an emotional level and using this connection as a basis for brand identity. These famous brands have used storytelling in various ways: from focusing on the childhood experiences of consumers, such as Disney does with its classic characters; to providing simple solutions like Apple does with its products; and even talking about humility in marketing like Starbucks does with its minimalist approach. In this article we'll go over six different techniques that brands use in order to create memorable experiences for customers:

Disney - Remembering Consumer's Childhood Experiences

Disney is one of the most famous brands in the world. Its brand story is based on nostalgia and consumer's childhood experiences. Disney has a strong association with happiness, magic and childhood memories.

The company has used storytelling techniques such as using characters that are familiar to consumers so they can relate to them; telling stories through movies, TV shows or video games; creating worlds that feel like another reality where consumers can escape from their daily lives (e.g., Disneyland); connecting certain products with specific events (e.g., Tinkerbell)

Apple - Humility and Simplicity

Apple is a brand that has mastered the art of storytelling. They have a simple, yet powerful story that tells us they're a company that cares about their customers. Apple's message is clear: "We make great products."

Apple's approach to marketing also reflects this simplicity and humility; they don't want to bombard their audience with ads or loud messages. Instead, they use subtlety and restraint in order to deliver their message effectively--and this makes all the difference in how we perceive them as a company.

Starbucks - Strong Brand Association

Starbucks is a great example of how to create a strong brand association. The Starbucks brand is so strong that customers are loyal to it, and they have become a part of the culture and community.

Starbucks has created an experience that goes beyond just buying coffee or tea at one of their stores; it's about getting together with friends or family members over something as simple as drinking coffee or tea together in their stores.

Puma - Engaging Consumers on Social Media

Puma is a brand that has built its reputation on social media engagement. The company uses clever and funny posts to engage consumers, as well as emoji-filled messages that help them build brand loyalty.

In one example, Puma uses emojis to engage with their audience by showing how they can use the app while wearing different types of shoes (like sneakers). They also encourage users to share photos of themselves wearing Puma products in different situations or locations.

Beats - Leveraging Celebrity to Gain Consumer Trust

You may be familiar with Beats, the premium headphone brand co-founded by Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine. The company has a strong association with celebrities such as Lady Gaga and LeBron James. Beats is associated with hip-hop culture, which has a strong following among young people. The company also has a large social media presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that allows it to engage directly with consumers in real time while they're making purchasing decisions online or at retail locations across the globe

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can help your brand.

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can help your brand.

How it helps:

  • Storytelling helps people to understand and relate to your brand, which builds trust and loyalty.

  • Stories create emotional connections between the audience and your brand, allowing you to build relationships with them over time.

  • The stories you tell should be relevant for your company's industry or sector, so that they have an impact on people in their everyday lives (e.g., if your business sells insurance policies).


Storytelling is a powerful tool that can help your brand. It's important to remember that storytelling isn't just about telling stories, but also about being authentic and consistent with your brand image. If you are looking for ways to tell your story better, then these five examples should give you some inspiration!